Planning for Changes

The City has recognized that areas which are characterized by ridge lines, bluffs, view corridors, foothills, mountain backdrop, excessive slope, unique vegetation, natural drainage, rock outcroppings, geologic conditions, wildlife habitats, and other physical factors, are significant natural features worthy of preservation. Performance standards for hillside development have been developed and are incorporated into the Zoning Code as an overlay zone, referred to as the "Hillside Area Overlay". Those standards are applicable to home owners as well as developers.

Since our Discovery neighborhood is within the Hillside Area Overlay, we have some additional considerations and requirements to satisfy before we change our landscaping or place additional structures. The City references below detail the general Hillside Area Overlay requirements, provides the map confirming our inclusion in the Hillside overlay zone, and details the requirements for approval of additional structures, e.g., sheds (DAB-201). 

Please note that whenever you consider changes to your property, you must FIRST ensure your plans comply with City requirements, and then obtain ARC approval that they are in compliance with our Discovery covenants. Failure to do either may result in expensive corrective actions.

City Ordinance 7.3.504, Hillside Area Overlay

DAB-201, Zoning Property and What It Means

DAB-203, Hillside/Streamside Overlay Effects

DAB-304, Fencing