Other Documents

It should be noted that Discovery is a single-family, non-commercial neighborhood and is subject to the Colorado Springs Hillside Ordinance. Discovery HOA (DHA) DOES NOT allow short-term/vacation rentals.

The approved DHA Operating Budget is available on this site (see "Other Documents" tab). 

DHA opted out of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA); thus we are not required to provide some of the items required of CCIOA management organizations by the 2019 Real Estate Contract Act.  

The DHA Covenants and by-laws are the primary guiding documents for our property owners, although they grant some discretion to the Architectural Review Committee regarding individual requests for changes to the exterior of residences as well as landscaping and fencing. To clarify other items routinely requested by lenders:

Assessments - Discovery HOA charges $90 per year per property for association dues. DHA has had NO other regular or special assessments and none are planned.

Common Utilities, Sewage, and Waste Services - None.

Construction Defect Documents - N/A.

Fees and Charges at Closing - DHA charges $300 for research, preparation and transmittal of the Transfer Status Letter required for closing. Depending on the timing of the closing, we may also request that the title company collect the annual dues ($90) to simplify that process for the new homeowner(s).

Financial Review - N/A.

Insurance - DHA carries a Commercial General Liability policy with A-Link Insurance Services. Our A-Link servicing agent is Ms Jessica Bell, (719) 473-8509.

Party Wall Agreement - N/A.

Reserve or Working Capital - DHA does not collect Reserve or Working Capital fees.

Reserve Study - N/A.

Rules, Regulations, Governing Policies, Design Guidelines - DHA Covenants and By-laws provide the necessary general guidance for maintenance of the character of our community. However, as we are in the Colorado Springs Urban-Wildlife Interface (UWI) area, we must comply with the City UWI ordinance. In addition, we have two rules for clarification of procedures and processes related to covenant violations and restrictions on short-term rentals (available under the "Governance Documents" tab).