Items of Interest

FIREWISE CHIPPING SESSION: Our first Firewise chipping session is scheduled to begin on Monday, June 24th. If you want to have your yard debris picked up and chipped, you MUST register for this session by June 21st unless you previously did so. Remember, we do not know when during the two-week session the crews will chip on individual streets, and they will not come back if your trimmings are not out when they get there. Put them on the street curb or behind the sidewalk for pickup starting on June 24th! Thanks.                                                                                  ***** DO NOT BLOCK SIDEWALKS*****

WATERING RESTRICTIONS:  Watering restrictions went back into effect on May 1.  Basically, sprinklers can’t be operated between 10 AM and 6 PM but drip irrigation, watering cans, and hose watering with a shut-off nozzle are allowed at any time. Water runoff from irrigation is prohibited from flowing across the ground, street or sidewalk and broken or leaking sprinkler systems are required to be fixed within 10 daysDetails of the water conservation program can be found here

FAMILY SOCIAL EVENT: Our Summer social event is planned for Tuesday, 16 July, from 7:00-9:30 PM. This will be an excellent opportunity for your entire family to meet and greet old friends and new neighbors. Please Mark your calendars and RSVP to let us know if you will attend. Details are available here.

SPRING CLEANUP: It looks like Summer is upon us and our yards, shrubs and trees are responding. Please take a little time now and then to attend to your yard and weeds. We will once again survey the neighborhood to remind folks of yards that detract from the overall character of Discovery. Of particular note last year was the number of "zeroscaped" (rocked, not "zeriscaped") areas that became overgrown with weeds. Those are not "rock and forget" areas...please pull or spray your weeds as they not only detract from your yard, but also from your neighbors' yards.

LOCKING MAILBOXES: We have no more locking mailboxes and there is currently no plan to purchase and offer more at a discount. 

SIDEWALK OBSTRUCTIONS: Some of our mature shrubs (particularly junipers and pines!) have benefited greatly from our wet spring and now extend over our sidewalks and thus interfere with clear passage. Please trim them back to the edge of the sidewalk and up to at least 6 feet. City Ordinance 3.4.103 requires:  "Every owner and occupant of real property within the City shall keep the public sidewalks which abut or are adjacent to their real property, or public sidewalks located upon real property subject to a public easement or right of way, in a clean condition free from projections and obstructions across the surface, debris, litter, or dangerous conditions not involving the structural integrity of the sidewalk."  We will be surveying our Discovery sidewalks in the near future to identify properties that need to be reminded of this civic obligation.


We are aware of the presence of a few storage sheds in Discovery. Some were approved…and some “magically appeared.”  No further violations of ARC Approval will be permitted. Any future sheds discovered to have been constructed without ARC approval will be subject to relocation or removal at the owner's expense.  Please review the information on sheds in our FAQ area before you decide if you need a shed in your yard.

Your SPRING 2024 Newsletter is now available in the Documents area. We hope you find it both interesting and useful.