Discovery Park Entrance

Your Discovery HOA, Colorado Springs Parks, Colorado Springs Utilities, Rockrimmon Elementary School and several local businesses partnered in 2014 to make the Pebble Way entrance to Discovery Park safer and more welcoming to all. Discovery HOA is now responsible for the general maintenance of the entrance. 

Eight Discovery residents turned out Saturday morning, May 7, 2016 to put in some quality time weeding and burying drip lines. Thanks to all those that turned out. This tidied up the place and we will now work with the City Parks Department to get some new plants and additional mulch. 

Working side by side with Discovery neighbors is a good reminder that we live in a choice location.  Be on the lookout for additional organized opportunities to help prepare the area for the start of the growing season and occasional clean-up days during the warmer months.

2017 dates will be made available in HOA newsletters and on this site. We encourage and welcome all members of Discovery to participate in these community service opportunities.

Stop by and enjoy this new improvement to our neighborhood!

Discovery In The News

Gazette: Story #1
Gazette: Story #2